You can directly configure WoW to act similarly using a special command. If you don’t care to run media player, or want to have all your computer resources available for WoW. This tweak is fairly well known in other games and among server admins, but it was just discovered or rediscovered to work for WoW. This effects every program running on your computer. Media Player essentially changes your thread scheduler timings using a windows API. You may see your load times go down and your frames per second go up. This works especially well on older or multi-core computers but seems to help just about anyone if only just a little. And it is because media player tells Windows to use different timings which can be better for WoW. Awhile ago a number of people figured out that if you run windows media player at the same time, the game runs faster! Unbelievable as this sounds, it’s true. "You can significantly speed up WoW on Windows with a simple setting.

SET timingMethod "value" - Values can be between 0 - 2 (0 as disabled/default) I've read a lot and seems with todays high end PC's it's best to set it to "3" for best effect, but it's individual PC configuration dependent. * Sorts the drawing of items in the scene a little differently to reduce the number of times we re-program the vertex shader hardware. * Reduces the unique number of vertex shader permutations that we will choose to use in rendering This function can be turned off by setting M2Faster to "0" in the config.wtf. M2Faster can improve performance in crowded scenes when "Vertex Animation Shaders" is turned on. M2Faster changes the way our 3D model drawing engine approaches the task of drawing the scene, basically drawing objects in a more optimized order. SET M2Faster "value" - Values can be between 0 - 3 (1 is default).

Important: This option only workd with d3dex enabledįollowing are optional settings, to be tested by yourselves what suits you best. * If you have a 1GB video card, set this to 1024. * If you have a 896MB video card, set this to 896. * If you have a 512MB video card, set this to 512. * If you have a 256MB video card, set this to 256. * If you have a 128mb card, set this to 128. Anyway it's for sure better to set it then leave it on auto. I've tested it and you can easy put all of your card memory to WoW for best effect (assuming you're not doing something graphically intensive in the background), others say it's safer to give it a half or 3/4 of it though, and should be enough as well I suppose. SET g xTextureCacheSize "value" - You can tell WoW how much memory should/can it use for textures in game instead of just letting WoW to decide.